Plan miasta Wachenbrunn

Wachenbrunn - Najnowsze wiadomości:

German Map Guide Volume 24 ? Thuringia ? is at Press!

... Vierzehnheiligen; Vieselbach; Vippachedelhausen; Vitzeroda; Vogelgesang; Vogelsberg; Völkershausen; Volkmannsdorf; Volkmannshausen; Volkstedt; Vollersroda; Vollmarshain; Vollradisroda; Volteroda; Waaswitz; Wachenbrunn; Wachholderbaum; Waffenrod; Wahlwinkel ... GenealogyBlog is sponsored by our favorite hotel in Salt Lake City - the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. It's next door to the library! Check out their Genealogy Specials by clicking on the photo. Leland & Patty Meitzler ...
źródło: BlogSearch

German Map Guide Volume 24 ? Thuringia ? is at Press!

... Vierzehnheiligen; Vieselbach; Vippachedelhausen; Vitzeroda; Vogelgesang; Vogelsberg; Völkershausen; Volkmannsdorf; Volkmannshausen; Volkstedt; Vollersroda; Vollmarshain; Vollradisroda; Volteroda; Waaswitz; Wachenbrunn; Wachholderbaum; Waffenrod; Wahlwinkel ... GenealogyBlog is sponsored by our favorite hotel in Salt Lake City - the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. It's next door to the library! Check out their Genealogy Specials by clicking on the photo. Leland & Patty Meitzler ...
źródło: BlogSearch


Wachenbrunn - MW transmitting centre near Suhl Hildburghausen. (V of GDR, Radio GDR, Berliner Rundfunk, Radio Moscow / Voice of Russia relay from 1988, now highpowered Voice of Russia relay site, 1323 kHz 1000 kW) Woebbelin ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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